Question 1: Write a program to print "Hello World" without using semicolon(;). Ans : if(printf("Hello World")){} Question 2: What is the output of the program given below: int main() { int x=3; printf("%d",x++ + ++x); return 0; } (A)3 (B)5 (C)6 (D)undefined Ans : D Question 3: Till the array elements not given any specific value, they are supposed to contain _______. (A)Garbage value (B)Zero (C)One (D)None of the above Ans : A Question 4: What if Kiteretsu assign a value to an array element whose index value exceeds the size of array? (A)No Output (B)The program will error (C)The Program will crash (D)None of these Ans : C Question 5: Doraemon wants to store a list of binary data. Which of the following data type should he use? (A)int (B)boolean (C)char (D)float Ans : B Question 6: Help Goku to print the output of the following program: void main() { int a=5; for(int i=0;i